Thursday, March 17, 2005


How can some people talk about the same things day after day and not get bored?

How can they tease the same guy about the same girl in the same way everyday and still find it funny?

Ok, maybe i'm being a bit too harsh here.But once, twice, 10 times, 100 times.. n more.. n then I do get tired n wish they would just shut up :D

Some jokes just need to die a natural death.

PS. Sorry about the unimaginative title.There are 2 things which I dislike doing, thinking of titles and shortening or making a note on any passage, essay, article. If something isnt important why has the writer put it there in the first place, cudnt he just remove it himself ;) I remember i hated precis-writing in school, cause i just cudnt shorten stuff. My answers in English papers always used to go beyond the word limit and i even used to get negative marking for it :( But I still didnt improve :D

Anyways these are not the only 2 things I dislike, but i'll leave those for some other day :)

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